As he flicked through the letters, a small, handwritten envelope caught his attention. His heart began to thump...
The familiar scrawl meant one thing – she was coming back.
Owen’s childhood was peppered with remembrance of his sister’s letters. They heralded her arrival a week or so before she landed on the doorstep, having some kind of crisis or another. The latest flame was nowhere in sight having scarpered before she them down with her.
Owen’s mother had always tipped up enough for Leah to sort herself out and off she would trot on her next adventure.
Owen’s mother had died leaving her son to deal with everything including his sister. Leah’s inheritance had to be managed by Owen. It seemed this was her announcement she was coming for her first pay out.
He supposed this was as good a time as any to tell her his mother’s secrets. He wasn’t handling this one alone.