Tell me about your books
I’m currently writing a romantic comedy series based on Postscript Island, where everyone scores a second chance (I hope the word postscript or P.S. is not lost on the pun of second chances).

The prequel, Tropical Love, features P.S. Resort owner, billionaire Kingman Sinclair and mega Hollywood star, Francesca Goodwin. Francesca has returned to the island eighteen years after breaking her engagement with Kingman. The story explores how far people will go to protect their loved ones, even if that involves deceit. It’s also a story of forgiveness with a bit of humor thrown in.

The next book in the series, Tropical Kiss, brings Kingman back as the resort owner extraordinaire, along with his daughter Marissa. The heroine is Liz Grady, a jilted bride, and Heaton Redding, a heartbroken billionaire, as the hero. Once again, the story revolves around second chances and the nature of humans to hide our true selves.
When and how did you start writing?
I dabbled with writing comic books when I was young and moved onto short stories, but I never showed them to anyone. I didn’t get serious about writing until twenty years ago. That’s when I took creative writing classes and devoured several craft books. I took ten years (yikes) to write a middle grade Christmas fantasy. Then a young adult psychological thriller. I might do something with those one of these days…
What inspired you to write your books?
I always wanted to write contemporary romance books. But when I fell in love with three illustrated book covers that screamed romantic comedy and I bought them during a wine-infused online buying spree, I cornered myself, er jumped at the chance to write romance with humor.
How does a story begin for you? Is it an idea, a conversation, a title, or an image?
Other than the above-mentioned cover images making me dream of a tropical island series, my stories always start with an idea. Then I drop in the two main characters, what has happened in their lives (wound), and how will they grow with the story (character arc).
Did you plan out your series or are you taking it one book at a time?
I wrote the first book, then decided to write a prequel as a means of showcasing the resort owner, Kingman, since he’s a recurring character. All along, I knew who would star in the next book. But that’s as far as my series planning goes.
What writing advice have you been given that really helped you?
I have a lovely editor that has become my friend and advisor. She tells me to dig deep with my chosen words, character development, and plot points.
What do you consider your greatest writing accomplishment? And which was your biggest challenge?
I love putting heart in my stories, and I believe I’m good at that. I’m proud of those awwww moments.
Hitting that publish button was my biggest challenge. Writing is a solitary endeavour, and it was hard to share my story. But I ignored my fake-writer-syndrome and sent that baby off.
What do you want your readers to feel when they have closed the last page of your book?
With this series, I want a reader to experience the scenery—to feel the sun on their faces, to hear the call of a seagull, and taste the salty ocean air. But more importantly, I want a reader to know these characters so well that they’ll experience their transformations and miss them when they close the book.
What are your current projects? What should we be looking out for?
I’m outlining the next book, Tropical Date, which will feature Marissa Sinclair and her wayward boyfriend, billionaire Weston Stambro (This series has a pattern of rich, yet humble men. No alphas here.). And yes, he will come back to Postscript Island on the pretense of helping his mom, but he has a yearning to see his high school girlfriend, his lost love. Kingman will also be a part of this story, after all, he’s the resort owner, and all-around sage.
What is your ultimate dream as a writer?
I’d love to have twenty books under my name, but I’m starting late in this writing business. So I’ll keep writing until it’s no longer fun. Which might mean I’ll hit that twenty book goal and then some. Or I may go live on a tropical island and learn to paddle board.
What advice would you give other writers?
Learn story structure, character arcs, and genre expectations. Outlines help me write faster with less editing. And above all, have fun.
Rebecca Sue Jonesee lives with Mr. Jonesee and a Maine Coon cat named Walter on a wooded forty acres in rural Indiana.
She wrote the first two stories of a sexy romantic comedy series based on the fictional Postscript Island, where everyone scores a second chance. P.S. Resort is where the main action happens.
Rebecca’s had tremendous fun researching sandy beaches, hunky lifeguards, over-the-water bungalows, and exotic fish swimming in the turquoise sea. (Just don’t fault her for being broke and utilizing Pinterest.)
Thank you for having me on your blog, Lily. The questions were fun to answer. 😀